Fees & Contact

Fees for D.J.'s can vary according to factors such as:-

  1. How far do they need to travel. Is accommodation needed.

  2. What is the size of venue and how much amplification equipment is required.

  3. What is the occasion; Wedding, Party, P.R. support, Product launch, Repeating gig, Multi-artist event, Themed event etc.

  4. Duration of hours playing.

  5. Playing on provided equipment or own equipment.

  6. Extra activities like hosting, M.C. or background sounds.

  7. Weather conditions, playing outdoors, provision of cover.

Fees can be charged at a dollar per hour rate or by whole event.

Some of the original vinyl records you could be listening to at your event.

Contacts: Mike Preece on 021 0592724

For a quote send an e-mail describing your event to dj@vintage-vinyl.co.nz

Message me on my vintage-vinyl facebook page or instagram message innzpreecey

If you're looking for a Wedding Package, check out highly recommended celebrant Melanie Vezey

M: 021 107 5578

E: melanie@loudandclear.co.nz